Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Book Club

Dude, Where's My Country? by Michael Moore

Up until about a year ago, if it's even been that long, I was not a fan of Michael Moore.  I didn't have any particular reason.  I was a Republican, thought things should be a certain way, and considered Moore a 'Hollywood liberal' with a big mouth but nothing to say.  I should mention that I had never read any of his books or watched any of his movies.  The only time I ever really saw him was at the Oscars in 2003, where he spoke out against President Bush and the Iraq war.  And then was subsequently booed off stage.  
But one day Joe came home from work, where he was able to see bits and pieces of "Fahrenheit 9/11" and told me we had to watch it.

And we did.

And everything changed.

Of course it was a little heavy handed, but it was true.  It was brutally honest.  It was eye opening.  

Moore has written a couple books, this one is the first I've picked up to read.  I can't express how much I want everyone I know to read his work.  No matter what you think about Moore, or what political party you belong to, or even if you don't care about politics at all, I promise you will see things differently after reading Dude, Where's My Country?

In my photo, the little torn paper bookmark is stuck in a page that I couldn't forget, and want to share with you now:
          "The Bush administration did not like the protections contained in the House bill [Patriot Act] and, with the speaker of the house, worked through the night to strip it of all the civil rights protections the House Committees had voted for.  It was finally submitted at 3:45 a.m.  When Congress showed up a few hours later to vote on it, they thought they were voting on the language agreed to the previous day.  Instead, they voted on the bill whose few protections were gutted by Attorney General John Ashcroft the night before.  According to the American Civil Liberties Union, few members of Congress actually read the final version of the act.  It was perhaps the most reckless and irresponsible action our Congress has ever taken."

Unbelievable, right?  

There's so much more.  And it's all documented.  There's sources - actual newspaper articles, books, credible information.  It makes me curious to know where was all of this at the time?  Why wasn't America told?  Why did the majority of news outlets simply keep repeating governmental lies?  Lies that were proven to be lies!


But there's hope.  There's always hope.  As Moore says:
          "...We love our country and we care about the world in which our country exists.  There is no reason to sink into some self-centered despair or cynicism.  There is every reason to put this book down right now, pick up the phone, walk out the door, and make a difference."

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